There has been a lot of talk lately about who we will elect as our next president.
This always ends up being a lesser of two evils conversation, because let's face it, rarely does anyone in the running overwhelmingly shine as a brilliant mind. Most of all, There isn't anyone stepping up to the plate with the best interests of this country at heart. Everyone has his/her own agenda.
Most people I know are disatisfied with the way this country is being run. For the past 6 years, however you get labeled as an unpatriotic asshole undermining the security of our nation by not going agreeing with the president and his power-hungry/self interest serving actions.
I often feel helpless wanting to know what I can do that might make a difference. How can we cause a shift in this country? How can we regain power? Some of you are under the belief that voting, especially on a local level is the most effective tool for change. Though voting is important, I do not think that it is the most effective tool.
In reality, we live in a country that is run by money. Laws are made over dinners with lobbyists. Very rapidly our country has shifted to rule by corporation. You are constantly spending money if you are a good citizen, running on the capitalist treadmill of earn and spend. Companies have stopped making quality products for the most part across the board. A sweater that falls apart will have to be replaced next year. A computer's harddrive will fail. It is only a matter of when, not if. Companies for the most part don't even stand behind their products. They give you a 90 day warranty. What ever happened to the lifetime warranty? When did we stop caring about quality and start pumping out disposable products to litter the landfills?
So, these corporation making sub-par products in sweatshops overseas, effectively undermining our economy in the long run, want your money. They will give you a song & dance to get your money. They don't have the luxury of taking money directly out of every paycheck like the very successful corporation we call the US Government.
When you give your money to a corporation you are effectively supporting their policies. They will control the making of laws. Their decisions will trickle down to your everyday life. So, support companies whose policies are sound and just. Boycott companies who are not. Of course nothing is that simple, but we as consumers, especially organized are more effective than we are as voters.
We live in a country led by a man who did not win the popular vote and has essentially wiped his ass with the constitution, a document that had great meaning at one time. Father knows best in times like these when we cannot falter in our war against terror. We must fight for and protect freedom, by limiting freedom. It all makes perfect sense, right?
Recommended Reading for today:
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
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