Photo by Carrie Thomas & Manipulated by Robert German
Last night I went to bed at a decent hour,
something that hasn't happened in a long time.
I found myself tossed in a sea of dreams, all so vivid.
Dreams are important for proper functioning of the mind and body.
I haven't been having dreams for a couple of weeks now. I was talking in my sleep. I woke myself up a couple of times. Apparently I met a friend of K's from Arizona and woke him up to tell him that she says hi. K does not have a friend in Arizona, btw.
I have posted sticky notes above my desk with song titles on them. They form this semi-deformed smiley face. At the top where the eyes and top of the nose would be are completed/mostly completed tracks. Where the tongue would stick out are the tracks that need the most work.
I find that I am looking for balance and focus. I am determined to finish the album by Christmas.
There has been a major change on the homefront. It is called a VCR. I know, shocking. Next thing you know we'll be buying an electric typewriter with correcting ribbon. K bought it for $30 and last night I was thrilled to watch episodes of Absolutely Fabulous on an old VCR Tape. There is something about the slightly degraded quality that appealed to me. The world has become too airbrushed and Hi Def for my tastes. It is comforting to adjust the tracking to watch the softer shifting focus of the picture.
I was happy with getting grainy educational television with the bunny ears I bought for $2 at Phat Albert's. Now I will be spoiled by the luxury of my fancy VCR tapes.
K wants to get cable. I fear that it will turn me into another unproductive zombie staring at a screen for hours. As I stare at the computer screen, typing these words I wonder if that is not already the case.
1 comment:
Re "btw, K doesn't have a friend from Arizona"...
K's friend from Arizona (in your dream) could be a friend he has still has yet to meet (future), or a current friend who has yet to travel to Arizona, or...
I believe that we have relationships in this world with people we haven't even met, and maybe won't in this lifetime. So, K could still have a friend in AZ, that he has not and maybe will not ever meet.
: ) Hope your day is going well! - marc
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