"This country does not torture," White House press secretary Dana Perino told reporters. "It is a policy of the United States that we do not torture and we do not."
Oh Really? Tell that to the prisoners at Abu Ghraib...
I'm sure they'll back up this statement from the Whitehouse.
Tell that to the People being held in Cuba without any right to legal council or due process.
Does the whitehouse really believe that we are that stupid? I have not forgotten the images of Abu Ghraib. I do not believe the statements of an administration that used the tragedy of 9/11 to justify thousands of deaths and the illegal wiretapping of its own citizens. If there has ever been a president who needed to be impeached just for the preservation of this country, it is George Bush. This statement from the Whitehouse angers me. It is a flat out lie. I am sick of being lied to by this administration.
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