I made a big step yesterday and put down a deposit
to special order my new preamp.
It's a big chunk of money,
so hopefully the economy won't completely collapse just yet.
Now the hard part, waiting.
I'm not a very patient person by nature.
I added another item to the spreadsheet
detailing the plugins, microphones, pieces of equipment, new studio monitors, etc. that are going into the studio.
This one isn't as necessary as others, but rather exciting.
I use a program called reason to create beats, instrumental sounds, etc.
For Sunrise at the speakeasy we used two mellotron samples for Unplug and Mr. Carpentier, which I adore.
Propellerhead has just come out with an Abbey Road refill for reason, meaning additional samples for purchase which include keyboards, organs and yes mellotron. The instruments were recorded in Abbey Road studio with the equipment there. If you go to the instruments page and listen, you'll see why I'm so excited.
<check it out...especially the mellotron samples>
The song Yesterday by the Beatles was recorded in Abbey Road Studio.
After giving my life's savings to a music store, we met up with Carrie Thomas to eat nachos, drink and for her to give Konstantine the photos she took of him over the weekend. She got some really great shots. It was interesting to be there while she shot. K was nude half the time, with it all hanging out. My prudish midwestern upbringing made me feel that it was funny yet at the same time, he is so beautiful naked and it was just Carrie and didn't feel awkward at all. Over fourth of July weekend K and I ran naked through a soccerfield. We both felt so free. It's a good thing we didn't get arrested.
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