One of the best way to broaden your horizons is through the wonders of literature.
We can't read everything, but we do search high and often low for those literary
gems that might otherwise collect dust on the shelves of your local library.
This week's selection is Marijuana Girl, a gripping tale of teenage lust for the whole family. After you've read marijuana girl, join the discussion here on the Rant. We'd love to hear all of your own stories of sex, drugs and teenage debauchery. There's a little bit of marijuana girl in each of us.
If you happen to have trouble getting your hands on Marijuana girl, at your local library, don't hesitate to speak with the librarian on duty. She or he may be able to type the title into a computer database to find another location with Marijuana Girl that participates in the interlibrary loan program. The beauty of the national library system is indeed boundless. It is one of our national treasures.
Remember to always keep your library card up to date. This is your key to a world of unspeakable splendor.

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