Thursday, January 18, 2007

Uncle Robert

I was standing in line at the post office last night with my big bubble headphones on
listening to Sinead O'connor's, Universal Mother, One of my favorite albums of all time by the way.

The following lyrics were going into my ears.

"I love my boy...I love my pride and joy...etc"

My pocket started to vibrate signaling an incoming call on the batphone.
It was my sister in Kansas. While I was home over Christmas she kept asking my opinion about
baby names even though she was not pregnant. My response to this line of questioning was,
"Call me when you have a horse ,and then we can talk about a cart."

So my sister sounds cheerful as usual as she says "Remember that cart we were talking about, well I've got a horse."

I immediately knew she was telling me that she's pregnant. I jumped up and down squeeling in the street. I had no idea this would be my reaction. I began frantically dialing every person I could think of leaving them overly excited messages that I am going to be an uncle.

I'm going to be an uncle or as my sister says, the cool uncle from New York. She has threatened to buy the baby a onesy that says "If you think I'm cute, you should see my uncle"

I'm sure this is going to be the cutest baby ever.
and I am going to be uncle Robert.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is of course my favorite "rant" ever! You are going to be the coolest uncle ever - love you from the mother of the future cutest baby ever :)

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