Monday, March 12, 2007

Sally Struthers, We Need Your Help!

As I wander through this world shoving doughnuts and bacon down my spoiled American throat, I sometimes worry about all the starving children in Africa. In all seriousness, there is no excuse for a huge chunk of the African continent going without food.

It is then that I realize we have a problem of our own, right here in this good nation.
It's Terry Hatcher. We've watched her blossom as an actress first on Lois and clark, then those wonderful Radio Shack commercials with her hubby. She has finally found her place in the spotlight with Desperate housewives and let me just say, that spotlight shines right through her bony frame like a japanese lantern.

I think it's time to call our good friend Sally Struthers and get her a guest spot on Desperate Housewives. Someone needs to feed Terry Hatcher and though I do suspect that some of the food ends up in Sally's Trailer, in the end a good portion still makes it to those children.

If you really care about Terry Hatcher, you will join me in sending her cookies, doughnuts and protein bars. Don't let this bright star burn out long before her time. We need you healthy, Terry. We care about you.

1 comment:

karl said...

Here Here!

(wipes away man-tears af emotion.)

And now a word from our sponsor

Without shameless begging, independent musicians would surely starve.