Wednesday, August 08, 2007

And now a message from the MTA

Photo by Carrie Thomas

"There is no subway line right now that is running its full normal route. If you are at home -- and you haven't left -- don't. If people in any way shape or form can stay home, they should. I know it's kind of an odd message to give people . . . but today we had a real problem with water."
-Paul Fleuranges, A spokesman for the MTA New York City Transit system (earlier today)

If the subway system comes to a grinding hault because of one rainstorn, I really hate to imagine how fragile this system really is. The tracks are rusted. The reliability of service is shaky at best, yet the fares are always increasing.

Why can't they invest some money in making the subway system more reliable and able to withstand a fricking rain storm. Is this too much to ask?

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