Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The pull of the moon

Photo by Carrie Thomas

My sister is 9 months pregnant, due this Friday.
My mother is convinced that the gravitational powers of the full moon today are going to pull that baby right of my sister like the invisible hand of Jesus.

We are mostly water.
I think it has more of an impact than we realise.
I know that I am very much a child of water, drawn to the ocean, wanting to return.

We have tides, high and low within us.
We float in water before we enter the world.
The ocean in my sister's belly is swelling, moving towards the gravitational pull, ready to burst. The waves will be crashing. The child will emerge from the ocean, to first crawl and then walk on land.

The crazy people come out when the moon is full...not saying that the baby is crazy. I'm just saying.

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